Tuesday, October 2, 2012




I think this one is a architectural/structural line I was taking this picture from be low.
I think this one is the strongest because the why I angled it and the perfect timing of the people walking. I didn't mean to get them in it but it's better that I did. 


This is a environmental line I like how it came out. I pointed the camera upward to take this photo.

The most challenging element of this assignment was taking the photos there wasn't really much of anything to take I kept taking pics of the same thing.

You can improve by taking us to different places to take photos so why wont take different angles of the same object.

I can improve by focusing more on the photos and such and remember to switch from to close up thing on the camera.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012




 I changed the color and I overlayed it. Then used smart sharpen and I like the color in the after one then in the before one. It didn't really change it much.



In this one I changed the color and the lighting. I love the way I did the lighting in this photo but I wish I could take out the date.

Friday, September 7, 2012

For photography Class.

This photo was took in Ireland. I like it because the castle is just beautiful and the way clouds and how the sun's light is popping out makes it look like it is from a movie. I like the how the person who took the photo took it from this distance, the sheep make it look even more peaceful then it is. To me it's like a glossy effect maybe it can be haunted or something. Like there is a secret about it. There must be a pretty interesting story about this castle. There is something more in this photo. I can't really explain it but it draws someone close to it. In a way it has a ''homey'' feeling. I think the reason why the photographer took this photo like this is because there is a small story about it that they want to show you. Like for instance the weather, it's a glommy like maybe it'll rain later on that that. That's one of the reasons why I like this photo. And look how far the sheep are away from it. That kinda means something.

This photo was took in Germany. I like this photo because how the photographer took this photo when the leafs are falling. And the sun ray sets it off like you are entering a new world. When I look at the photo I think of fairies for some reason. Like this picture is coming from a fairy tale. Maybe the reason why the photographer took this photo is because the setting is amazing.

This photo was took in Germany aswell. I like this photo because of the time they took this photo. The sun was barely ending from the sun set. And that glaze in the sky. It's just draws me towards the pic. The photo gives off a peaceful feeling. Relaxing. I also love the tree. Maybe the season is Fall. Maybe the reason why the photographer took this photo is because it's a must take photo if you get what I mean. Everything is in place.

I'm not exactly sure where this photo was taken but it's pretty. It's a rainy day and it looks like the person is waiting for someone but I get the feeling maybe they are just there to remember a memory.  Maybe the person that they are waiting for passed away. Let's say it's a couple. And that is where they first met. And the person is remembering the time they had together. It's a little foggie and I like that. I get a sad feeling when I look at the picture maybe that's why I said that about the couple. And I think the red bench means something but I can't put my finger on it. I think the reason why the photographer took this photo is because they wanted you to get a feeling from the photo and try to see if you can find the story behind it.

I'm not exactly sure where this photo is took but it's in the ocean. my first thought that came to this photo is who is taking this photo. Because they got a perfect shot. I mean the timing is perfect. In this picture the wave is so detailed. Like the colors and the little foam you can see on the wave's wall. The wave is huge too. I kinda wonder what the person in the photo that is taking the photo of the wave up close is thinking. I personally would be kinda scared to do that. I think the reason why the photographer took this photo is because he kinda wants to show you how it is to take photos like that. Give you a small feel on it and how big the waves can be.
This photo is tooken of a car accident. It shows that time doesn't stop because of something like this happens. I have no clue if the people died. But, there's life on this destroyed car. It looks like it's been there for years. Maybe the reason why the photographer took this photo is because they want to show that time doesn't stop. Everything keeps going no matter what the promblem is.

This photo is of an officer in Germany during World War II. When people needed gas maskes and such. Those were difficult times for everyone in the World. I like this photo is because of the Gas masks. I love gas masks. The reason why the photographer took this photo is because he wanted to show you want they were going threw and the risks of the war was causing.

This photo is a picture of Lock ness lake. Where the Locl Ness Monster might live. Scotland is a beautiful pleace. The reasonj why I like this photo is because of the place it's self. So many stories about the monster that lives inside the lake. True or not. No one will know. I love how the clouds are. And the sun is behind the photographer. I think why they took this photo is because of the setting.

This photo is a forest somewhere. I like it because it has a creepy affect on it. Like possibly can be from a hooror movie. It looks peaceful too. It was probably tooken durning the morning. Maybe the reason why they took the photo is because they wanted to show you the creepiness or something.

This photo is also tooken in a forest aswell. I like forests as you can see. This one was probably tooken in the morning aswell. I kinda like to think there is a cemetry somewhere near. Gives the spook to it. I think the reason why is because of the setting and the spooky aafect it has.