Monday, January 7, 2013

The end of the world project!

 These two cars should survive because I'll be needing transportation quick in case of either leaving or getting supplies. Also why two cars? Because in case of one doesn't work or you need gas. Plus most likely the gas stations wont make it and you'll need gas for a car and it's one of the best ways to get supplies fast and it may not be safe on the streets yet.
 This area should survive because it's a pretty area. But not only that we need trees for oxygen in order to live. And if push comes to shove you can grow crops here as well. It can also be a thinking spot too. You always need to have a good state of mind in bad times.
This building should survive because I'll be needing shelter and there is a bathroom right next to it in case. Also you can barely notice the classroom as well. And there is a tree right by it so it's another good thing. Like I said before, We need trees for oxygen in order to live. And this would be a perfect hiding place.

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